Report about seminar in Warsaw by Celina

On Monday, the 6th of October, I started my journey to Warsaw for my on-arrival training of the European Solidary Corps via Flixbus. After arriving at the Agricola Youth Hostel in Warsaw and getting to know my roommate we went to lunch and afterwards started the official part of the seminar.

Throughout the five days that I spent in Warsaw we talked about many important topics such as cooperation and challenges in intercultural projects, cultural diversity and how to deal with difficult situations, our rights and responsibilities as volunteers, how to deal with stress and build up resilience as well as our project impact. But my favourite part of the seminar was the team challenge that we had on Tuesday.

On Monday afternoon we drew which group we would be in and then started to plan the route needed for Tuesday. The challenge was for each group to go out and do research about certain topics concerning Poland by only asking people on the streets whether they know anything about these aspects about Poland. It led to some very enlightening conversations about legends of mermaids defending Warsaw, the Polish lifestyle the Warsaw uprising and in general Poland. Talking with Polish people was sometimes challenging because of the language barrier but we made do and pushed through.

On Friday after lunch the seminar was over, and I went back home after a successful week of learning and making memories.


Pałac Kultury w Warszawie Na zdjęciu widoczny jest posąg Syrenki Warszawskiej.