I was in Warsaw from October 22, 2023 to October 28, 2023 at the Sports Centre Agricola. I shared a room with Alessandro from Italy. We learned a lot about Poland, Polish language and more. One of our topics was how to deal with problems that may arise during our stay in Poland this year. Communication was a major focus, and we played numerous games to enhance our skills. Afterward, we analyzed our interactions and learned strategies for improving communication.

We also had a task that involved going out into the city and undertaking various challenges. One of the challenges was to visit Bar Mleczny. Other challenges included gathering information about Poland, especially Warsaw. The tricky part was obtaining verbal information from people we encountered along the way who lived in Poland/Warsaw. I also met new people and made some voluntary friends, which was a very enjoyable experience.

The week was delightful, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Grupa wolontariuszy (18 osób) na sali konferencyjnej. Wszyscy pozują do zdjęcia uśmiechajac się i wymachując rękoma.
Po lewej stronie jest Jan, ubrany w czerwoną bluzę. Ma krótkie blond włosy.Uśmiecha się i patrzy na kolegę Alessandro z Włoch jego  współlokatora podczas seminarium. Alessandro ma okulary i ciemne falowane włosy.